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Leave-me-on Winter Mask 40ml: Ultra-reichhaltige Feuchtigkeitscreme

40ml / 1.35FL. OZ.


Die Leave-Me-ON Winter Mask schützt Sie proaktiv vor der kalten, trockenen Winterluft. Dieser Super-Feuchtigkeitsspender repariert und nährt die Haut im Winter. Die feuchtigkeitsspendenden Inhaltsstoffe werden in die trockene/rissige/schuppige Haut eingeschlossen, während die unsichtbare Schicht die Haut vor dem trockenen und kalten Winterwetter schützt. *Seit der Pandemie 2020 wird es auch von Tausenden von Ärzten weltweit empfohlen und verwendet. Ärzte und medizinisches Personal verwenden diese super nährende Leave-On-Maske unter ihrer chirurgischen Maske, um Narben, Ausschlägen und Akne vorzubeugen, besser bekannt als “maskne”.

💚 Schützt vor kaltem Wetter.
💚 Versorgt die Haut bei Kälte mit Feuchtigkeit.
💚 Das Gesicht sieht im Winter gesünder aus und fühlt sich auch so an.

(332 Kundenbewertungen)


Kategorie: Schlagwort:
Bewertungen 332

332 Bewertungen für Leave-me-on Winter Mask 40ml: Ultra-reichhaltige Feuchtigkeitscreme

  1. Ess

    Fantastic product, especially as the weather is so cold and windy at the moment, my skin feels amazing!

  2. Em

    Absolutely love this product not sticky or tacky feels great on skin

  3. Jadelw

    I have been using this product every day since I received it. I have been wearing it underneath my make up to prevent my skin drying out in the cold air. I am really looking forward to trying more Mudmasky products as this is the first one I have received and I am very impressed with it.

  4. Annie

    This was my favourite product in the November box. This has been an absolute godsend these last few weeks what with the weather taking a dramatic turn. Not only has it acted as a barrier in this freezing weather, it’s really done wonders for perking up my tired skin too. Can honestly say I will definitely be purchasing this little gem every winter. One of my cold weather must haves now.

  5. Zara

    I suffer with really dry skin on my face in the winter this has really helped

  6. Chezo

    Mask felt lovely my face afterwards was very clean and fresh

  7. MrsMiller

    So happy i got this in my glossy box it was worth it on its own! My skin feels amazing!

  8. Mememe

    This has been great to use as I work out doors. Not one dry sore patch since using it. Would highly recommend for the winter chills. Skin was still moisturised at the end of the day and easy and quick to use

  9. Holz87

    This is not a product that I would have ever picked for myself but this the beauty of a glossybox it was fantastic I use it every single day.

  10. Shauna

    Could not fault this product at all, feels lovely on the skin especially in this cold weather!

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Leave-me-on Winter Mask 40ml: Ultra-reichhaltige Feuchtigkeitscreme
Leave-me-on Winter Mask 40ml: Ultra-reichhaltige Feuchtigkeitscreme
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